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ZeniMax // Learning and Development Expert

Zach Armstrong

CWA was instrumental in making it possible for us to form a union. Having CWA organizers in every meeting to provide advice, guidance, and even moral support was and continues to be incredibly valuable to us, and to me personally. I don't think we would have been able to do it without the people from CWA who were with us every step of the way.

Since we went public under Microsoft's union neutrality agreement with CWA, we have faced almost no pushback in their recognition of our union. When we have hit roadblocks, they have worked with us to resolve them. It feels good to be a united front of 300 employees.

Our union has already made positive changes to our workplace, even without a contract. From promised raises finally being delivered, to our own voices finally being heard by leadership, to the experience of really getting to know my coworkers. Unionizing my workplace has changed my life, and it's made me a more confident, more generous, and more caring person too.